Monday, April 22, 2013

One year...

Can it be that it really has been in excess of one year since I stopped posting?  I am debating if I should start this up again, if there is anything worth writing about...anything that anyone would want to read.

Who knows...something to think about.

Maybe a new direction.  Maybe something new altogether...


Cheeky Minx said...

A year?! No wonder it feels like an age since you've been around.

Come back (with the new) and I'll be here devouring every word. Of course...

unbridledesires said...

Hey YOU! Now I just need to figure out what the new is. Lol

SexyLittleIdeas said...

Just stumbled here from Blue-Eyed Vixen. If the last post a year ago is anything to go by, please do start this up again. Great prose.